My Work
Check out some of my projects...
Lugawear simplifies and makes efficient the struggle of people to buy clothes online.
Technology Used:
React | Redux | Node.js | Express | Massive | PostgresSQL | Auth.0 | CSS | Stripe
- Used React to create components viewed through different browser routes, made responsive with CSS
- Integrated axios calls to backend server to load and update data from PostgresSQL database
- Integrated Redux to hold and manage state
- Hit RESTful API's to retrieve and display data
Limber is the clone of an online dating website called Tinder.
Technology Used:
React | Redux | Node.js | Express | PostgresSQL | | React-motion-stack | React-slick
- Limber is a collabrative project from a team of three.
- Used React to create components viewed through different browser routes, made responsive with CSS
- Integrated axios calls to backend server to load and update data from PostgresSQL database
- Integrated Redux to hold and manage state
- Hit RESTful API's to retrieve and display data